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US Trip !!

22 février 2007

The Donuts State

The Donuts State
I don't know if anybody else noticed but on licence plates, every state has a name. New Jersey is Garden State, New York is the Empire State, Florida, the Sunny State... I have to admit that i don't really know what Massachusset's one is but I pretty...
15 février 2007


Who liked to go to the dentist when they were kid? I didn't. And I don't think a lot of kids like that either, even nowadays. Because in France, there's absolutely no interest and no fun for children in going to the dentist or any other doctor. It's more...
13 février 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
To all those who believe Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday in France, I would simply like to say that you're mistaken! In France, it's the holiday of lovers, one offers a gift to the beloved one and that's it. It's really not the way it goes here!......
11 février 2007

Urban Legend

Urban Legend
Warning: please read the following Sensitive souls, please, DO NOT read this post! The contents of these writings can shock the sensitivity of some and cause nightmares to young people. The events told below are drawn from real facts and all the details...
1 février 2007

Short Stories Long

Short Stories Long
L'Oreille Cassée... Vous vous souvenez de Tintin? Mais si, le journaliste à la houppette et au pantalon trop court, toujours accompagné de son petit chien blanc et dont, finalement, on n'a jamais su le nom de famille. Ses aventures plus ou moins réalistes...
30 janvier 2007

The One With The Justice

The One With The Justice
Let's remember December 21st 2006. A beautiful, sunny day. Last day of my photography class. I'm in such a good mood I decide I'm gonna go shopping a bit before going home. 5mn later, the Somerville Circle. And then, it's drama: the Accident... Chapter...
29 janvier 2007

Ice Age

Ice Age
Here we are. It's winter. It's cold. And windy. And snowy. We waited long. Two or three weeks ago, it was still Spring. 16°C. And now, we entered the Ice Age, there's absolutely no doubt left... Remettons nous en situation. Vendredi 26 Janvier 2007. Une...
23 janvier 2007

Indy Indy Indy

Indy Indy Indy
Ce post s'adresse principalement à ceux qui envisagent un jour d'avoir un chien. A tout ceux là, je dis NON!!! Ne faîtes pas ça, pour votre santé personnelle, ne faîtes pas ça. Et je peux aussi vous affirmer que celui qui a dit un jour que le chien était...
17 janvier 2007

California's Call

California's Call
5th month already begun. Just a fact. I've seen 4 states, visited a few cities, took trains, metros and buses... Not bad. But not enough! I wanna see everything, go everywhere, i wanna smell, touch, hear America. I'm not leaving this country without seeing...
15 janvier 2007

Day 162

Day 162
Today's my 162nd day in the United States. I woke up this morning at 7.00am, went in the kitchen, talked to my host father and went back to sleep. At 7.42am, i woke up again because the dog was barking. The plumber was at the door. She doesn't like the...
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US Trip !!
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